Posts tagged miracles
How "Fever" Calls Us to Serve

One of the most wonderful aspects of scripture is its ability to speak meaningfully to our lives today, no matter what is happening around us. It could be a single word that triggers a reaction like never before. The word from this week’s reading has to be “fever.” The fact that we can’t go to appointments, some stores, or other venues without getting our temperature taken makes us pause and consider how being sick changes life’s daily activities and what effect it had on communities in scripture as well as today.

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You're Missing Out!

The acronym FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is one that we often hear and perhaps experience. The stories of the women in this Gospel lesson show them missing out, or at risk of missing out. Jairus’ twelve-year-old daughter is, in her culture, at the cusp of adulthood — as in our culture she would be on the cusp of increasing responsibilities and independence. The death of a young person with a full life ahead of them seems somehow harder to bear than other deaths; we reflect on all the things that person will miss out on.

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