Coronavirus Preparations, Plans, & Prayers

Author: Pastor Mike Gutzler

God’s Grace and Peace be with you.

Last night, the Church Council gathered for their monthly meeting. At the meeting we discussed how best to respond to the Coronavirus as individuals and a community of faith. You may have, like me, received information from various organizations and entities about their preparations and plans. I write to you now to share how the church leadership and I are responding in this time of need. Please know the Church Council is in regular communication with one another and, in the event that local protocols should change, we will keep you updated as soon as possible.

Preparations, Plans, & Prayers:

1)     The Church Council decided to create a congregational task force of individuals and leaders who can help us think collectively about how we can all be safe as well as care for member needs. The Council has identified a list of people they plan to ask to be on this task force, but if you feel you would like to help, please let me know as soon as possible.

2)     The Church Council has directed our church custodian, Felicito, to wipe down and disinfect all common surfaces such as: the backs of all pews, the communion rails, all door knobs, push bars and railings, in addition to regular cleaning of commons space. Yuki, our nursery attendant, is also going out of her way to clean all toys carefully after worship before she leaves.

3)     We will continue to worship and offer Christian Education as usual. Our communion practices will stay the same as they are considered the safest. You should know and be reminded that the altar guild members always wash their hands before handling communion elements, and the assistant minister and I always sanitize our hands after sharing of the peace before we touch the communion elements.

4)     We will not be sharing the peace in the traditional format. This past Sunday, I introduced the “peace be with you” in sign language and will continue to do so, but you are encouraged to share non-contact peace as you are comfortable.

5)     At this time, all in person meetings, gatherings, and rehearsals remain as scheduled. The daycare downstairs is still operating as usual and our various outside organizations are holding their regular meetings.  If at some point we need to cancel all gatherings at the church, please know Josh, Greg and I are already looking into ways to be creative with online worship.

6)     Most importantly, we want to be able to care for our members. In the event a member is in need of care or resources, we want to be able to be prepared to offer support. Lutheran Disaster Response developed a congregational checklist that we are using as our guide. Again, if you are willing and able to join the task force and help coordinate our efforts, and join the task force, please let me know.

7)     You should also know I am here as your pastor. If you have concerns, worries, questions or prayer requests, do not hesitate to reach out to me.  

8)     And finally, please pray. We know God always hears our prayers and walks closely with us in our time of need. For example: Holy and gracious God, give us the wisdom to meet the health crisis growing in our world.  Enlighten researchers that they may develop a vaccine against this disease. Guide doctors, nurses and all medical technicians.  Protect all medical staff and family or friends caring for those who are ill. Let your healing spirit be with those who have the virus.  Befriend those who are isolated or afraid because of this disease. Bring together the government and governmental agencies around the world to work together. All this we ask through Jesus Christ, our Savior.  Amen.*

*This prayer is adapted from a prayer sent by Christ Church Episcopal, Alexandria.