Posts tagged discipleship
Be Still & Know

Rest seems like a luxury that only a few can afford and it can even sometimes be seen as a shameful transgression in our go-go-go society where busyness and exhaustion are worn as badges of honor. But we’re told that rest is what Jesus instructs the disciples (and us) to do. Be Still and Know that I am God. This is our invitation and command from God…To stop and listen to the God we are called to serve to see what that God actually wants us to do and be in this place and time, to stop and trust in God instead of our own wisdom and guidance.

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Embrace This Kairos Moment

In English, we use the word “time” to mean several aspects of time. In the original Greek of the New Testament, there are two different words. The first word for time is “Chronos” as in chronological time. This is the word used for linear time, like today, tomorrow, next month, or next year. Think of the days and weeks on a calendar, moving in one direction. The other word used for time is “Kairos.” The word Kairos is reserved for very special moments in time. This is one of those moments.

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